Donated to NAACP LDF

For whatever reason, I was feeling lethargic and unimpassioned today. When I started this project I feared that days like today would exist. I’m ‘fining’ myself for bad behavior, and donating to the NAACP LDF. Read more about NAACP LDF here: Continue reading Donated to NAACP LDF

Jan. 26: Called Senator Sasse (R-NE) and urged him to oppose Betsy DeVos

Rumor struck on my Facebook feed today that one of my home-state senators is still undecided on whether or not to vote in favor of Betsy DeVos. OPPORTUNITY! I left a message with what I presume to be one of his interns or a staff assistant, urging the Senator not to approve DeVos. Speaking of, Nebraskans really might be the nicest people on earth… the kid sounded lovely, and he knew how to spell my name. You go, staff assistant/intern guy, you go! You may remember Senator Ben Sasse. He gained some notoriety for driving to Iowa to campaign AGAINST Donald … Continue reading Jan. 26: Called Senator Sasse (R-NE) and urged him to oppose Betsy DeVos

Jan. 25: Called the Army Corpse of Engineers to express concern over DAPL

Whilst perusing the internet for my action of the day, I stumbled upon a site called “5 Calls: Make your voice heard.” At the top of their list was a script to use to call the Army Corpse of Engineers to urge them to take the many issues with the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) seriously while compiling its environmental impact report. #NODAPL and #NOKXL have been some of my pet movements for years. There is a group out of Nebraska (Shoutout Bold Nebraska) that has done tremendous work to halt the pipeline. I was sickened when President Trump signed the executive order … Continue reading Jan. 25: Called the Army Corpse of Engineers to express concern over DAPL

Jan. 24: Called my NE State Senator to urge him to vote in favor of expulsion resolution.

Expulsion rhymes with revolution, which is exactly what I felt when Nebraska State Senator Bill Kitner retweeted the heinous tweet shown below. Kitner had previously come under fire for using his  state-issued lap top to have cybersex with a women that wasn’t his wife, definitely needed to go. Ultimately Kitner resigned before the expulsion resolution hit the Senate floor. Ultimately I feel like my call urging my local Senator (shout out Dan Hughes) to vote in favor of the expulsion resolution played (albeit possibly a minute) role in this victory. Read more about Kitner’s resignation: Continue reading Jan. 24: Called my NE State Senator to urge him to vote in favor of expulsion resolution.

Jan. 24: Called Senators to thank them

Today I gave a shout out to Senator Bob Corker (R-TN), Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Senator Rob Portman (R-OH), Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), and Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) for their efforts to slow down the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Ultimately this was a fail, Senator Corker withdrew his amendment to change the repeal legislation deadline. BUT, you need to support people who are trying to make the process more accountable, even if their own end goals might not match your own. Read more about the Senate’s steps toward repealing Obamacare here: Continue reading Jan. 24: Called Senators to thank them

Jan. 23: Sent two postcard via 10 Actions / 100 Days

During the WMW (from now on this is how I’m going to refer to the Women’s March on Washington D.C.) the organizers tantalizingly dangled free post-cards in front of us. I didn’t get a post card, but that isn’t really the point. I downloaded the InkCards app in the iTunes store and customized and sent two postcards, one to each of my home state Senators (Senator Deb Fischer & Senator Deb Sasse). I sort of slacked off and just used the generic message provided by WMW, but hey, I sent them! Continue reading Jan. 23: Sent two postcard via 10 Actions / 100 Days

Jan. 23: Became a monthly donor to Emily’s List

I guess I started off strong with this whole resolution thing. Becoming a $10 monthly donor to Emily’s List was a no-brainer for me. A friend of mine from college (shoutout to Malinda) works for them, plus they get a shout out by CJ in The West Wing. OH RIGHT, AND THEY WORK TO ELECT PRO-CHOICE DEMOCRATIC WOMEN TO OFFICE! Sign me up, literally. Donate to Emily’s List here: Continue reading Jan. 23: Became a monthly donor to Emily’s List